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What We're All About

On this historical day we mark the glorious beginning of our (third) school newspaper. Oh yeah, we have a newspaper. This is technically the third one at Lincoln, the first in the 21st century however, as the previous newspapers came out way back when puffins were probably not extinct (nevermind I just googled it and puffins are apparently not extinct, though they’re on the endangered species list, so go save a puffin or something). Our first two newspapers were named Lincoln Log, and Prowler Press. Our new online news source goes by the name Prowler Post, as up in northwest Minnesota we’re just crazy about our alliteration. But of course the name isn’t really the most important thing, so here’s what we’re going to do.

The Prowler Post is split up by four categories: News, Features, Comics, and Sports. The content in each category is going to change as we get more into this, and if you have suggestions feel free to email us. We plan to cover things inside the school, as well as things like political news and the presidential election coming up. We have vowed to be generally unbiased and keep to only the facts, it may be hard as we’re all very opinionated but that’s what we’re here for. In the newspaper we will also give you things like music news, and of course comics and sport updates as the last two categories state. One more thing to look up before you mentally check out of this rambling intro, is our twitter, @ProwlerPost, where we’ll have things like Buzzfeed quizzes, such as which Snofest court member are you, or which Lincoln lunch menu item you are (because we know you’ve always wanted to be harvest pork-chop), and possibly some polls.

When an article, comic, or sport is updated we will most likely tweet it to let people know that it’s out. Hopefully when this all comes together, it will accurately represent the community we have here at Lincoln and all its students, our overall goal is really uniting the whole school together through some common ground (common ground other than the ground of the school that we all go to, which we all have in common). So while we made this, it’s your paper too, and we’ll try to be as connected to what you guys want as possible. Welcome to the Prowler Post. (Also Danielle has informed me that I was thinking of dodo birds, not puffins. So yay for Puffins.)


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