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Into the World of Speech

If you were to google what the top 10 fears among people were, public speaking would be high on the list. Most people dread having to stand up in front of a crowd and make a speech, but some students here at Lincoln choose to do this as an extracurricular activity.

There are 13 distinct categories in a typical speech meet. They usually have specific rules in each category on what a speaker can and cannot do during their speech. Some categories, like Duo Interpretation, require two speakers to present a speech together without making eye contact. Others, like Informative Speaking, have only one speaker that gives unbiased information on a topic using presentation boards. In Extemporaneous Reading you get three different short stories and have to choose one to present. The speaker is given some time to come up with an introduction and practice their story. Sheyenne Johnson, a Senior here at Lincoln, who doesn’t need too much introduction because most know of her witty and amazing personality, mentions another one saying, “My favorite category has got to be creative expression. It's the one I've been doing since 6th grade; you get to write it yourself and it's super easy.” Speech is a very diverse activity that can be quite fun.

Speech kids have one of the most underrated talents in the school: the ability to wake up early, and on a Saturday. That takes devotion, and probably a lot of coffee.“The earliest that I've woken up would be 3:30 a.m. and the latest we’ve gotten back would probably (be) 3:30 a.m. again. So like a full day, but not at the same meet, of course,” Sheyenne says. This past speech season was full of both team accomplishments and personal accomplishments.

With the year coming to a close this Friday, Lincoln says goodbye to the Seniors. Sheyenne, having been in speech since sixth grade states, “I am going to miss all of the bus rides, all of the Perkins dates that we go on, and all of the pie that we got to eat from other people’s plates. I think I'm especially going to miss my team altogether.” The kids in speech are truly gifted as many have been able to see. Their devotion and creativity is inspiring to say the least.

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