FFA Deals With More Than Agriculture
There is such a long list of sports and activities at Lincoln, it can be hard to know what to try. Those who dream of becoming a scientist, teacher, business owner, or a farmer should think about joining FFA.

According to Shaw, the advisor of FFA, there really is something for everyone. They do things like public speaking and talent contests where you can showcase your abilities, and at times they participate in community service projects.
FFA stands for Future Farmers of America but deals with more than just farming. Brit Aaker, a senior here at Lincoln says, “In FFA we often compete in CDE’s or Career Development Events such as Small Animals, Ag Mechanics, Crops, Fish and Wildlife, and many others. You can get to State and even Nationals if you do well enough. It takes a bit of work and it takes many hours of practice to get good enough to be able to do such things.” FFA offers a wide range of activities for a wide range of people.
Recently, some members of FFA attended the National FFA Convention on October 18th. All you had to be was a member of FFA for two years and you were eligible to attend. Just as FFA is diverse with many options for varying interest levels, so was the convention: “the National FFA Convention is a large event with kids from every corner of the US, and you can chat with many other FFA members about agriculture, and many companies and other things such as Ford, Chevy, Arctic Cat, and many smaller organizations such as the Continental Kennel Club. Even the military invites kids to visit their booths in the convention center to see what they have to offer you,” says Brit.
So why join FFA? Brit sums it up: “It’s fun, it’s exciting, and a mind-opening experience to just how large FFA really is. I’d suggest it to anybody. You can fundraise for it, such as I worked so many hours at the Malt Stand we do at the county fair, and I didn’t have to pay very much, at all. It’s affordable, it’s fun.” You’re able to make connections with people all over our country and you learn a lot about not only agriculture, but many other things as well.
For those who are interested in joining FFA, they meet the second Thursday of every month in Shaw’s classroom. During the meetings, they discuss upcoming events, and different activities that they will do. You can join at any time of the year, so it’s not too late.
There are so many opportunities to get involved at Lincoln and it can be scary at first to branch out and try different activities. But there is something for everyone. Whether it’s art, business, sports, agriculture, writing, science, or whatever else you can think of, there is a place for you at Lincoln.
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Photo from: http://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/image-logo/639809/FFA_Emblem_Podcasts_Blue_Bckgd.jpg