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Obama's Presidential Farewell Address

On Friday, January 20th, the United States of America will have a new president. That means, of course, that we have to say goodbye to another. It has been eight tumultuous, revolutionary, and sometimes controversial years with Barack Obama. Whether during his presidency you were an advocate, an opponent, or simply neutral, there are bound to be some mixed feelings. In his farewell speech, President Obama strove to breach the party line, and speak to America as a united people, in hopes that we ourselves might see each other in that way. “We don’t serve to score points, but to make the world a better place,” he announced, and this seems to be the attitude we all should have, not necessarily as presidents of the country, but as citizens of it.

President Obama started his farewell speech by promising that he and his staff would do everything they could to ensure a peaceful transfer of power, the same way the Bush administration did for him. The tone of the night was not sad or regretful, being his final address to the people as president, but proud and hopeful. There is so much more to do, as Obama has said himself, but the work ahead does not degrade the work and progress we’ve already made. Through his speech he commended Americans for what they have done, stating that the people have made America a stronger and greater country. As many farewell addresses have done in the past however, it did contain a request or an almost calm plea from our 44th president: “Our democracy is threatened when we take it for granted,” he continued, “It follows to each of us to be those anxious, jealous guardians of our democracy.” In this time, especially with this election, people are often scared, or angry. We feel threatened and powerless, forgetting that our country and our democracy relies on its people. The United States is not simply a president, or any one person. The United States is exactly as it sounds, a nation of united people, from all over the world, with different views of the world, trying to make our country and the world better for everyone. President Obama encourages us to: “Be a part of government always, not just when it benefits you”. “The Constitution has no power of it’s own, we the people give it power.

”“I leave this stage even more optimistic about our future than when I started,” begins the end of Barack Obama’s speech. It is clear to see that he means this, especially as he thanks all of the people around him who have offered him guidance and support and have worked tirelessly for the sake of America– such as his staff, Michelle, his children, and the Bidens. Leaving the crowd with words of encouragement and advice, he finishes, “I’m asking you to believe not in my ability to create change, but of your ability”.

“It has been the honor of my lifetime to be your Commander in Chief.”- Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States.

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