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Interview: Mr. Youngblom

Lincoln High School has many great teachers. However, not every student gets to know about each teacher as it’s impossible to have classes with every single one. Mr. Youngblom recently came to Lincoln to take over the art teacher position, previously held by Mrs. Laymen. In order to get to know him better, I asked him some questions. He answered as follows:

Q) Can you give a brief background of yourself?

A) I went to high school in Mora, MN. I enjoyed playing sports and took every art class I could. I continued my education and wrestling career at SDSU in Brookings, SD. I finished with an Art Education degree.

Q) How long have you been teaching?

A) This is my 3rd year.

Q) What made you want to teach art?

A) I always loved art. I knew I wanted a career that involved art, but I wasn’t quite sure what. My dad is a great teacher and he inspired me to try teaching. I am glad I did, because I quickly found it was the right choice for me.

Q) What is it like to be an art teacher/ teacher in general?

A) As an art teacher I am fortunate enough to teach a subject that is my main hobby as an adult. I think being passionate about the content really increases how enjoyable teaching is. The teaching part in general is fun because that is where all the rewarding interactions take place. It is pretty cool to help a student create something they are truly proud of.

Q) If you were to have another job, what would it be?

A) I would definitely enjoy being full-time artist.

Q) Who is one of your favorite artists and why?

A) Salvador Dali. He does awesome, surreal work. I found a book of his when I was in middle school and he was the first artist that I was inspired by.

Q) What advice do you have for students wanting to explore the arts?

A) Do it.

Q) Is there any project that you're particularly proud of?

A) I always like starting off with portrait drawings. I think it is a project that students always surprise themselves with.

Q) What has surprised you most about working at Lincoln?

A) It has been really good to see how many students are interested in art and willing to put forth a full effort. I have had a blast this first quarter and look forward to seeing more driven students next quarter.

Q) What is something you wished people knew about art/arts in general?

A) You do not need “talent”. The way you improve at things is by learning the skills or techniques required and practicing them over and over. Art is no different. There are techniques that can be taught/learned and you have to want to put the time in.

Q) What’s something that people might be surprised to know about you?

A) I have had a pet turtle, tortoise, chameleon, bearded dragon, anole, salamander, hamster, rabbit, naked rat, normal rat, cat and dog.

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