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Pioneer Village Scare Night

Friday, October 13th and Saturday, October 14th, Pioneer Village once again hosted a scare night. The Prowler Post was able to speak with one of the event’s coordinators, Jamie Bakken, to get more insight into the basis for the night. We learned that it began as a project between Ms. Bakken and our own Ms. Groven, to raise funds in order to fix a leak in the Geven Museum roof. All of those involved were volunteers, mostly students, and all proceeds went directly to Pioneer Village.

The Prowler Post thought that investigating an event in the community like this would be a good opportunity to branch out. In addition, we decided that the best way to document it would be in video form; our first try at video journalism. Sitting comfortably in Mrs. Yonke’s classroom we planned out the night, thinking about how clever we were and how well this was going to go. It was only a haunted house type thing and we are seniors now, practically adults. We could definitely handle it.

Approximately one minute into the route, I fell over for the first time. Now you may think, wow that’s really lame, and yes, it is really lame. However, in my defense, the only haunted setup experience I had previously was the Haunted Woods in Red Lake Falls, in broad daylight. One of the worst, and by worst I’m mean most unsettling, parts of the night was that my sense of direction is not great on a normal day, and sub-par on a good day. I was never one hundred percent sure I was going in the right direction, and something about that uncertainty made me even more vulnerable.

Danielle and my main consensus following the night was, the students did so well. We knew a surprising amount of the people involved, and yet they didn’t break character. Only one student volunteer broke character, and she is one of our fellow newspaper correspondents. Even more incredible, they managed to still scare us, well me at least. The dedication they showed was commendable, and the talent that went into the outfits and makeup was incredible.

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